XI Keynote
Tuesday, June 6, 2023 - 8:15am to 9:00am
XI LS - Main Room
Hilary Gates, MAEd, NRP

Turning Hindsight into Foresight – Why Mentorship Matters


EMS is deep into a “people crisis” at a magnitude we have never seen, as agencies struggle to “fill the seats” with qualified EMS practitioners. This same crisis applies to our declining leadership ranks. Many of our key leaders are leaving EMS, creating a leadership void that is paralyzing many organizations. A key responsibility of current leadership is to actively work to fill this void through supporting and raising up the EMS leaders of the future.   

How do we do this? By turning some hindsight into foresight. Think back to the people who helped you along the way – those who lent a friendly ear or took a personal interest in your life and career. Whose brain did you pick? Who nudged you in the right direction? Successful leaders can readily identify in hindsight these mentors who helped them become the effective and respected leaders they are today. Our hindsight provides the foresight to be that kind of person for others who are on their leadership journey.    

Join Hilary Gates as she presents why one of the most important things you'll do as an EMS leader is to implement a mentorship program. Hilary explains the many benefits of this important leadership development tool for both the mentor and the mentee. She’ll discuss steps to help you formalize a mentorship program that is based on best practices and strategies that we know work – with a focus on mentoring women and minorities, who may not see themselves represented in leadership positions.